Saturday 21 October 2017

Task 1 - Naming Conventions for Crates

Naming Conventions for Crates

Because this project is treated as a art test, I need to follow the correct naming conventions for my crates. The gaming studio FrieSprite did not tell us about this and so we asked the tutor on the correct naming conventions.

In the end we came up for the following naming conventions. These will be applied to the textures of the crate models:

  • TP_LR_Crate1_Normal
  • TP_LR_Crate1_Basecolour
  • TP_LR_Crate1_Emissive
  • TP_LR_Crate1_OcclusionRoughnessMetallic (applied into RGB)
  • No Colour ID needed

  • TP_LR_Crate2_Normal
  • TP_LR_Crate2_Basecolour
  • TP_LR_Crate2_Emissive
  • TP_LR_Crate2_OcclusionRoughnessMetallic (applied into RGB)
  • No Colour ID needed


  • TP_LR_Crate3_Normal
  • TP_LR_Crate3_Basecolour
  • TP_LR_Crate3_Emissive
  • TP_LR_Crate3_OccusionRoughnessMetallic (applied into RGB)
  • No colour ID needed
Originally when I make my own models, I do use a colour ID. It makes things easier when it comes to texturing them. But with all the techniques I learned from substance painter, I decided to not use them since they have an easier way of identifying texture layouts.

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