Thursday 26 October 2017

Task 2 - Crate UV Light Maps

Crate and UV Light Maps

Because this is going to be added into the engine, I need to make sure that the lighting is acceptable. Even though I can apply a lot of detail in the Unreal Engine, to help further improve the model I can use a light map. These are Textures that contain baked light which, does not affect the lighting in the engine. It's the models way of capturing all of the lighting details and applying them into the engine, without the need of the Engines own.

From top to bottom - Crate 1, 2 and 3

The UV spaces for these light maps are a bit different from the other texture maps. Each UV has to be separated from each-other from 2 spaces and you can now have any overlapping UV. If you do the model will have some light bleeding, affecting the appearance of the asset. All of these UV have been correctly light mapped and are ready to be sent to the Unreal Engine.

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