Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Task 2 Crate UV's

Crate UV's

This process is something that I have to approach very carefully. If the UV's are not done correctly, I will have to do them all over again. This can also be a long process, depending upon the model.

Crate UV's

Top crate 1, middle crate 2, bottom crate 3
All three of these crates have had their UV's shaped to the correct size and laid out with a size of 2048x2048, which is the texture size this unit it currently using. All of the Uv's are ok, but their may be some UV issues on some of the faces. These may need to be unfolded, so that the textures will not be stretched out. Some of these UV shapes may also need to be reduced, but I will not know for sure until a apply the textures. Overall they are all in the 0-1 space and they are ready to be textured. Any further updates will be posted here.

UV Update 23.11.17

Top to bottom: crate 1, 2 and 3 UV's

During the development process, the crate UV's were having some issues at texturing. This is because I did not pay too much attention to the space of the UV's and this was easily fixed by enlarging some of the areas that require more detailed textures. The larger the space the more easily you can see them and this method as applies for the UVs that the player does not see. By reducing their UV's I can add more space and further add some more details to the models as a whole. As I continue work on this I may have to rearrange the UV's some more.

UV Update January 2018

Top to bottom: crate 1, 2 and 3 with clean UV;s

Taking what I have learned from my peers I applied a clean model technique to my crates  to free up some more tris. But to insure my textures are not affect, I had to make sure I am not deleting any edges that will alter the geometry of the models. If given more time, I would have focus more on make the UV's on crate one and there more efficient. Sadly I miss this grave error due to all of the focus on the texture on those crates. It did not affect the crates in the end, however I should have done better.

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