Wednesday 18 October 2017

Task 1 - Crate Design Development Process

Crate Design Development Process

All of the crates that I have made will follow a development process. This is a well know practice in the gaming industry, which involves a pre-production, production and post-production workflow. Once the models have been created and UV they will need to be clean up. By converting some quads into triangles it will save me some poly counts. Plus it will not affect the hard-surface model, so this is a well-known industry technique.

The target poly count I need to meet is 1500 tris and I need to follow my process to ensure the models will be complete on time.

  • Sketches - all done with orthographic views.
  • Digital - Taking my sketches further will decal placement and normal designs.
  • Maya - Creating base models to get a good idea of their structure.
  • Adding additional details to the crates such as:
    • separating the models to identify the animating parts
    • Seam placement
    • UV scale and resoluatation
    • Mirror the crate for time efficiently
    • Using subdivisions for more advance model stricture
  • Feedback from crates
    • As part of this feedback the point that I will be covering is the colour choice, their stricture and animation process. It is common in the industry to get constant feedback on your products, so it is something that I want to do for my crates.

  • Final design feedback on my crates for any additional adjustments.
  • Model rendering:
    • Using Unreal Engine to show off the static mesh and the animation one. Post-process techniques will also be applied here to follow their mood and setting.
    • Blueprints to show any further animation techniques (flicker lights and decals) 

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