Friday 27 October 2017

Task 3 - High Poly Models

High Poly Models

The high poly models will be needed for the substance baking process and for the creation of the textures. Unlike the low poly models, there is no limit for the tri count of these models. But they have to capture the overall shape of the low poly model itself.

From top to bottom: crate 1, 2 and 3 high poly models

As you can see from these images above, the high poly models have been overlapped with the low ones. This is to ensure that I will get a clean bake in the Substance software. I may encounter some errors on the baking result and this can be fixing either by adjusting the settings on Substance or adjusting the high ploy size. In addition to this I also added in the high poly model of the stand too. 

Both the low and high poly have all the correct naming conventions (TP_LR_Crate_Low) and use the right materials.

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