Thursday 19 October 2017

Task 1 - Questions about the Project

Questions about the Project

The sketches that the unit has been given does help me to crate the crates to there specifications...but it does still leave some questions unanswered. Without an actual in-game footage of the crates themselves, it will be hard to create a model that suits their style. Because of this I have made some questions to give to the tutor. Hopefully these will help with the project and can help to answer my concerns.


1     1. What kind of animation ideas are you after for the sci-fi carte? The concepts show some opening doors but they are not present in the game itself.  
2     2. Does the crate have to follow a certain colour scheme? Based on the in-game footage I have seen, they all use some shades of grey and white, while the sketch ideas are in a different colour scheme. Can I use different colour themes for this crate?
3     3. Does the crate have to be at a certain shape? All then crates that I have seen are in a rectangle structure. Is this the only shape that I can use or can I have a square one?


1    1.    Does the crate have to be intractable to the player? Meaning will there be any special animations the player character will be doing with the crate. It will give me a good idea on the movements I can do with the crate model.
2    2.    Do they have to have a unique rig for the animation? I have made a simple rig with the root at the base or middle of the object. How in-depth do you want the animations to be?
3.       Does the crate have to have some form of gameplay function? Is it a health pick-up, crafting material or power-up boost (like the time warp refill)?  

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