Saturday, 16 December 2017

Special Crate Textures in Crate 3

Special Crate Textures in Crate 3

As I mentioned, this 3rd crate has some cryptic clues added to them. I will now explain what they are what actions I need to take if I need to.

This decal is a reference to the game The Persistence, which was released in 2017. There is no copyright issue with this and so I will keep it on.

This decal is a very good cryptic clue...but at the same time is a massive copyright issue. There symbols are actually from the game Destiny. The weapon Skybuners Oath has special symbols that represent numbers. The number is 617, which is June 2017 the month Persistence was interview at E3.

The final clue is yet another reference to Destiny 2. When you invert the large square and rotate it, you get the cabal symbol from the game.

Actions to Take

While the name one is not much of an issue, the skyburners numbers do need to go. However the square at the back will stay because I am not breaking any laws modifying the symbol to my liking.

The bonfire (Dark Souls) in Overwatch
But the real reason why I did it is because a lot of top games make a lot of references to other games. For example the iconic bonfire from Dark Souls can be seen in the game Overwatch. This is a nice nod to the game, but at the same time this is a copyright issue.

The Skyburners Oath weapon
I wanted this crate to feel special, to have a sense of purpose and the get players to understand why I added in those decals. It is those kind of topics that help broadens out of crate further and they may indeed find something else on that crate that I may not have explained here. add that mystery element. 

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