Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Task 4 - Animations


This part of the development process is a long task, depending upon the models themselves. I decided to give them a simple animation, so that I can focus more on the textures. All of the animations have a rig on them with the root being at the base of the model.

Crate 1

This crate uses a simple up and down motion. Like the textures themselves, I used this model as a way to practice with my skills. I have not yet added the texture change for this animation, but this is something that I can add in the Unreal Engine. I am happy with the results of this animation and it's suits the sci-fi theme well.

Crate 2

This crate would have had a complex animation if I added in that extra cylinder, but it would have pushed the poly count higher, so I removed it. Just like the last crate I gave this one a simple rotation animation. This will tell the player that this crate has a function other than just being a static box.

Crate 3

This crate is the one I spent the most time and has some complex animations. They may be simple, but I need the make the doors be in sync and open with eachother. This also has the closest feel to the crates from the game, in terms of design and the animations functions. They all seems to have crates that open up, so it was fitting to make an animation that does just that. I feel like I don't need to add another other improvements this crate, but if I have enough time I may add more animations.  

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