Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Ba Unit 1 Evaluation

Ba Unit 1 Evaluation

This unit, although an easy one did provide some challenges that I had to overcome myself. The brief that I was given was very vague on the details, but I was given the actual poly count for the models. That poly count being 1500 which is very low. This is were the challenge element is and I got to try some new techniques in order to get it under that figure.

The models themselves proved to be no challenge, but the tricky part was to get the drawing right. The sketches had to be in a professional quality, such as the use of orthographic projections. My drawing skills are not that good, but by using a paint-over technique I was able to get them to the standard I want them. When it came to the creation of the models I had to clean up my models, which to be honest is something that I have never done before. By getting some help from my friends and the internet, I was able to to this task and get the polygons to a much lower figure.

As for the animations I wanted to make them as simple as possible. The reason why is because I wanted to spend as much time on the textures, so I can get these crates to really stand out. For me the sci-fi one is always the easy one to do because they use very simple texturing techniques. Most of the details where coming from the normal and height texture maps and that really helped me to keep the poly count to the tight level. My third crate had the most complex animations of the lot, because I wanted to make that one the favourite of the three. All three of my models used three joints which used the correct naming convention. This made the process of binding, exporting and importing them very easy. The models themselves were also taken into the Unreal Engine, so I can check to see what they were like in a in-game. Extra details, such as the animated decals where added to the models. I also made some new blueprints to add the flickering effect for the third crate.

In conclusion I was happy with the work I have done for this unit. I felt like I could had done more with the textures, but this was all because of the skills that I current have. I issue I was having with them was from the AO (ambient Occlusion). I was having a lot of lighting errors and that was because of the geometry placement of the high-poly models.I fix them, but I know I can do better. IN my opinion I know the models are good, but there is always room for improvement and as I continue to work with models and textures, they will get to the point were I can be very pleased with them. Now I can focus on my other units and take what I learned here to further improve their work.

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